المرجو الانتظار قليلا سوف يتم التوجيه الى المدونة الجديدة وشكرا المرجو الانتظار قليلا سوف يتم التوجيه الى المدونة الجديدة وشكرا

Joint Venture Marketing Leverage

All but gone [certainly rare, to say the least] are the days when you could merely just e-mail an E-zine Publisher with a copy of your offerings and a 50% profit-share.

You've got to captivate your potential Joint Venture Partners with a more strategic, longer-range heap of killer benefits, as well. Prove to them that you are extremely sensitive to *their* overall wants, needs and desires- not yours or mine.

Good Strategic Joint Venture Alliances take time to cultivate...It's all about building trust.

When a List Master recognizes you as a genuine Expert within your niche, and that you just don't recommend anything that you- yourself- are not absolutely delighted with as the end-consumer...

They will be far more enthusiastic about JV'ing with you in the future, because people like to do business with people they know and trust...

ü        Are you someone who is trustworthy and whole-heartedly worth getting to know?

ü        Does your JV Proposal showcase *them* in the 'limelight'?

ü        Is your focus on assisting them, in every way within your means, to help them grow their business and become even more successful?

If not- You need to seriously reconsider your marketing priorities...before you 'figure it out' the hard way!

That said...nothing can propel you to [seemingly] overnight success like a well-thought-out and deftly-crafted JV- Nothing.

Every single truly successful marketer realized- at some point within their career- that in order to get to where their truly trying to be; they have to whole-heartedly and cheerfully assist others in doing the same.

This is especially true when making first contact with a good potential Partner...remember; it is you going to them, for something you want- Not the other way around.

Until you've cultivate your own Master List of 20,000, 50,000, even 100,000 Loyal Readers; and you are now the one getting slammed with 10 to 20 Joint Venture Proposals per day, on average...

To create successful, mutually beneficial JV's; you must pole-position your wants, needs and desires in such a way as to naturally resonate with/compliment theirs.

Often times, this is *much* easier said than done; as good JV Proposals require a fair and reasonable amount of selfless and candid receptiveness, attention to detail and deep meditation.

However...the dividends are supremely worth it!
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