المرجو الانتظار قليلا سوف يتم التوجيه الى المدونة الجديدة وشكرا المرجو الانتظار قليلا سوف يتم التوجيه الى المدونة الجديدة وشكرا

Who is Using Social Bookmarking?

In a word....everybody! Researchers have found social bookmarking sites to be an invaluable tool as they conduct research and find the need to share information about research with their colleagues.

Professionals like doctors, lawyers and engineers are using social bookmarking services in record numbers.

But social bookmarking is far more than simply a tool for research. People from all walks of like are using social bookmarking.

Users of popular websites like Friendster, FacE-Book and MySpace have found that it is very easy to share information about websites that they find to be of mutual interest.

Networks of friends can be set up so that whenever a new posting is made to a social networking site other members of the network are notified immediately by RSS feed.

With all of this instant communication happening, you can see why those who are involved in Internet marketing are very much in touch with social bookmarking sites.

These innovative marketers join such sites as Friendster, FacE-Book or MySpace and while they are having a lot of fun, they are also selling their products and services.

They are getting visitors to their websites. They are improving their PageRank. They have found that social bookmarking is one of the very best search engine optimization tools that have come along in a very long time.
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1 comment:

Pinterest followers said...

I start using social bookmarking to start monetize my new blogs and to get more traffic, that's why I look for different bookmarking sites with good Page Rank.

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