المرجو الانتظار قليلا سوف يتم التوجيه الى المدونة الجديدة وشكرا المرجو الانتظار قليلا سوف يتم التوجيه الى المدونة الجديدة وشكرا

10 Unbelievably Creative Photo Mosaics

Photographic mosaic is an arrangement of hundreds of photos forming a composite picture. Invented in 1993, Photomosaic has evolved dramatically since then. This post showcases the most creative photomosaics that will stir your imagination:

1. Madonna with Madonna Faces

Madonna with Madonna Faces
Madonna with Madonna Faces

2. Che Guevara Typeface

Che Guevara Tipeface
Che Guevara Tipeface

3. Big Heart of Art

This image is a processed blend of 1000 of the most “interesting” red hearts on flickr, then converted to a mosaic using almost every single one of the first 1000 images added to the Visual Mashups pool – from red and pink to black and white, from mosaics of flowers and roses to abstract fractal landscapes!
Big Heart of Art
Big Heart of Art

4. Shakespeare with Shakespeare Masterpieces

Shakespeare with Shakespeare Masterpieces
Shakespeare with Shakespeare Masterpieces

5. A Baby with Babies

Baby with Babies
Baby with Babies

6. Madonna with Dollars

Madonna with Dollars
Madonna with Dollars

7. Grace Jones with Magazine Covers

Grace Jones with Magazine Covers
Grace Jones with Magazine Covers

8. Marilyn Monroe with Wings

Marilyn Monroe portrait made of butterflies, flowers and birds:
Marilyn Monroe with Wings
Marilyn Monroe with Wings

9. Alien with Book Covers

A coverpop featuring over a thousand books and dvds on UFOs and Cryptozoology. Check out the interective version as well.
Alien with Book Covers
Alien with Book Covers

10. Rubik with Nature

Rubik with Nature
Rubik with Nature

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